Many artists would consider living by deadlines the very definition of hell. Yet, Music Entrepreneur HQ founder & CEO David Andrew Wiebe says they are essential to accomplishing everything you’ve set out to do.

“I get lots of comments and questions around productivity,” shared Wiebe. “And there are many layers to it that I share in my various resources. But the one thing that sees me writing and editing eight blog articles in a day, as I did yesterday, is deadlines. Deadlines are critical to achieving peak productivity. I don’t always get excited about deadlines. But if I didn’t have them, I’m not sure that I would be half as effective.”

On March 24, 2021, Wiebe published an article on his blog titled The Power of Deadlines (Backed by Quotes, Examples & Science). Here are several quotes from the article that stood out to us:
In trying to motivate ourselves, we constantly undervalue deadlines. When it comes to working with clients, we see it as a necessary evil. But when it comes to our own work and projects, we tend to think of it as a jail sentence. True, deadlines might be what some call ‘negative motivation.’ Yet, they move us to action and inspire innovation.
Sometimes, we don’t know how we’re going to get something done. But when we have a deadline, our mind goes to work on figuring out how to have it happen.
When you don’t have deadlines, your next actions can be murky and uncertain. Basically, without a deadline, you let yourself off the hook and allow yourself to be wishy-washy in its completion.
Clarity and focus are key to productivity, and deadlines help make your next actions certain. You waste less willpower thinking about what to do next and simply get to work.
… deadlines help us focus. They eliminate choices by default, including those that distract us in our daily lives.
We may not especially like deadlines. They may feel constricting. They may stress us out. But if we can change the context of deadlines and embrace them as invaluable productivity tools, we can use them to our advantage. Just remember – it is possible to set deadlines that are too lofty and aggressive. Experiment and see what works for you.


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